Systémové úlohy vo výučbe anorganickej chémie


  • Mária Ganajová Oddelenie didaktiky chémie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice, Slovensko
  • Ivana Sotáková Oddelenie didaktiky chémie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice, Slovensko
  • Zuzana Dzurišinová Gymnázium Jána Adama Raymana, Prešov, Slovensko
  • Hana Čtrnáctová Katedra učitelství a didaktiky chemie, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, Česká republika


Klíčová slova:

metóda SATL, systémové úlohy, výučba chémie


The Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning (SATL) involves an arrangement of concepts/problems into diagrams, which represent how they are linked. The goal of this paper is to present the systemic approach in teaching chemistry and provide examples of systemic tasks in terms of this approach on a selected topic from inorganic chemistry, i.e. s-block elements and their compounds. In accordance with SATL, systemic tasks in chemistry aim to verify and develop students' ability to determine the relationships and links between reactants and reaction conditions, as well as their ability to write down chemical reactions in the form of chemical equations. The paper compares the traditional approach to the creation of tasks, assignments, and the resulting mind maps with the systemic tasks. Thus, the evaluation of teachers' opinions on the pros and cons of the systemic tasks implementation into teaching are presented.




Jak citovat

Ganajová, M., Sotáková, I., Dzurišinová, Z., & Čtrnáctová, H. (2022). Systémové úlohy vo výučbe anorganickej chémie. Chemické Listy, 116(9), 552–560.




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